2,169 research outputs found

    Metamorfosi e natura nella poetica di Gabriele d’Annunzio

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    The article deals with the concepts of metamorphosis and nature as key elements in D’Annunzio’s art. In his view, the poet himself is transformed bythe practice of his own art into an Hermetic figure, who — like Hermes, the god who guides the souls of the dead across the threshold dividing the world of the living and the underworld — ventures into the unknown. Having identified the ‘signs’ of all things in nature, the artist gives shape and meaning to such knowledge in his work. Since, for D’Annunzio, nature is the starting point for all knowledge, art which is not rooted in it, is meaningless.Il fuoco, Il trionfo della morte, Le Laudi and Fedra, works which are pivotal to any understanding of D’Annunzio’s conceptualisation of art, are among thosediscussed in this article.Article text in Italia

    Ascesi e lotta nella poesia di Giuseppe Conte

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    The article covers the poetry production by Giuseppe Conte, including his latest collection, Ferite e rifioriture (2006). It deals with Conte’s conception of art as a form of soul-making alongside James Hillman’s seminal book, Revisioning Psychology. From this perspective the poet is essentially the interpreter and promoter of a new civilization founded on the principles of freedom and social justice. Conte’s concept is placed well within a neoplatonic tradition which, in modern times, has included other poets such as Yeats, Shelly, Rilke and – to a certain extent – D’Annunzio. Article text in Italia

    Sibilla Aleramo ovvero la specificitĂ  del femminile

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    Aleramo's most original contribution to the debate – past and present – on women writing derives from her passionate and constant search for the specific essence and attributes of the female writer as differentiated from her male counterpart. She applies her awareness of her own specific identity as a woman and a writer to her novels, poems and plays, thus not only bringing about the actualization of her own feminine identity but also transforming the process of writing into a search for existential and stylistic authenticity. For Aleramo writing is first and foremost a need for self-expression and consequently for self-awareness. In transposing real life in her writing she also sets herself as a powerful example of transformation for other women, thus ultimately fostering the coming of a new social, artistic and spiritual order. It is in art that Aleramo finds the perfect channel to communicate her female essence and subjectivity

    Tempo astorico e spazio mitologico nella riflessione e nella pratica pirandelliana

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    “Tempo astorico” e “spazio mitologico” in Pirandello? Esiste dunque un Pirandello mitologico? È possibile parlare non tanto di miti ma di vera e propria mitologia per uno scrittore come l’Agrigentino che è, senz’ombra di dubbio, il massimo drammaturgo italiano della modernità ed è conosciuto internazionalmente come l’interprete della dissociazione e della relatività novecentesche, della molteplicità della personalità e del contrasto tra realtà e illusione, cioè di concetti che per antonomasia sono la negazione stessa del mito

    Index of previous issues/ Sommario dei numeri precedenti (1998-2008)

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    Lui, lei e l’altra: Trasfigurazione di sibilla Aleramo e l’identità femminile

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    Written in 1912, Trasfigurazione (‘Transfiguration’), a short story in the form of an open letter to her lover’s wife, is a pivotal work in that it illustrates a crucial moment in Aleramo’s development both as a woman and as a writer.The themes of feminine identity and love which Aleramo explores in the short story are here discussed in the light of other related works such as Dialogo con Psiche, Lettere d’amore a Lina, Lettere Aleramo-Papini and others, where these topics are further developed and linked to the fundamental role of art for Aleramo, i.e., to interpret and reveal life’s deepest meaning

    Toward third order ghost imaging with thermal light

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    Recently it has been suggested that an enhancement in the visibility of ghost images obtained with thermal light can be achieved exploiting higher order correlations [3]. This paper reports on the status of an higher order ghost imaging experiment carried on at INRIM labs exploiting a pseudo-thermal source and a CCD camera.Comment: To be published in Proceedings of Recent advances in Foundations of Quantum Mechanics and Quantum Informatio
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